Monday, 16 December 2013

Audience Research

Why do music magazines do research? Music magazines do research on lots of different things. They do research on things such as their audience type. The audience type consists of a lot of things such as what gender they want to aim there magazine at and also what age do they want to aim it at. They do research on this so that more people buy their magazine and that it becomes known popular and worldwide. By doing research it allows the magazine to be bought by more people and allows the maker of the magazine to get a bigger profit. This is because if you work out which age group and which gender likes each different of genre then they will like the magazine and buy it. However, if you don't research the audience properly the public won't be interested in the magazine and therefore won't buy the magazine. If you made a magazine based on Rave music and you aimed to sell it at women who are old you won't get many people buying it because old women won't be interested in this genre of music. However, if you sold this Rave magazine to young boys the maker of the magazine will gain more money as this type of audience is the type which is likely to buy the magazine. Therefore, you could also say that when thinking about what type of audience you are selling your magazine to it requires common sense too.

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